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Cheap Leaflet Distribution

A low price is a great thing. When you actually get what you thought you were paying for.

Unfortunately, leaflet distribution is one area where the unscrupulous can catch out the unwary. So, here are a few things to check before you commit your valuable marketing budget to a leaflet campaign:


1.Is the price too low? It takes about ten hours at average walking pace to deliver to a thousand homes. That means, if distributors are earning the national living wage of £8.91 (as of April 1st 2021) they should be earning at least £70 for each thousand homes. And that's if they're fast (not walking). So, if you're being offered distribution to more than a thousand addresses, where your leaflet is delivered on its own for just slightly about £70, you should consider how the company can possibly be making any money. The sad truth is that they may either be just dumping your leaflets, or failing to pay their workers a living wage. We're not a fan of either.


2. Do they accept liability if they get things wrong? Check the Terms and Conditions. Do they try and shirk liability for the re-performance of service if leaflet aren't distributed correctly. While clauses in a contract trying to get out of these responsibilities are unlikely to stand up in a court of law, probably best to spot the red flag early and get out of there before law courts become necessary!


3. Can you track your distribution? Without solid tracking information and reporting, are you just going to take the company's word that they've done what they were paid to do? It's important to find out exactly what kind of verification is available to you, and to choose the correct reporting measure before placing your order. The cheaper price you pay it is less likely this is included. Again, if the price is too low and includes rigorous checks, then that's a warning sign.


4. Are they promising unrealistic delivery times? As we mentioned, one distributor can

deliver to around a thousand addresses in about seven to ten hours (depending on the speed). So, to distribute 50,000 leaflets properly in one day would require around 50 distributors. It's unlikely that a company would have 50 distributors free and available immediately, so consider whether the logistics of what they're promising seem feasible.

So, make sure you dig into the details a little bit. If it seems too good to be true, then all to often it is.


Our fully Solus Distribution / Premium Distribution services start from £140 per 1,000, with prices increasing in harder-to-reach areas, such as villages.

There are numerous smaller distribution companies across the country offering leaflet distribution at low prices. To stay competitive while offering unique services, we have developed a few alternatives:

  • Budget Distribution Service: Ideal when distribution to every house isn't essential. This service targets a specific area broadly, leaving surplus leaflets around popular locations for people to pick up.

  • Solus Plus Service: Your leaflets are distributed alongside those of other clients, but are posted on their own. This method helps to reduce costs while ensuring targeted delivery.

We are committed to providing flexible and reliable leaflet distribution services that suit your needs and budget.

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