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Maximise Results

Planning is key...

To get the absolute best out of any marketing campaign, there are inevitably a lot of moving parts that need to co-ordinate and work together. That's true whether you're running a purely print media-based campaign or whether you're combining multiple methods together. Every stage of the process, from first concept and rough sketch onwards not only needs to be well executed in and of itself but, to get maximum bang for your buck, every step needs to be co-ordinated too.


For example, the designer and the ad copywriter are very often different people, sometimes even working for different third party companies. Do they both understand the brief in the same way? Are you going to end up with coherence between the visual and written content or, as is unfortunately often the case, will there be a clash of styles? Of course, this potential issue is exacerbated when you're trying to run a campaign across multiple media. There might be video involved, there might be radio ads...and how often do we hear radio ad scripts that seem totally at odds with the way the brand is presented onTV? And wouldn't it be better if they presented a united front?


So, having one point of contact who is able to oversee and co-ordinate each element of the campaign and ensure that branding and style remain consistent throughout, can dramatically improve your campaign's results. Every line of communication opens up another possibility for miscommunication and misunderstanding, so keeping the number of those lines to a minimum can be a very useful approach. It's for this reason that we've formed our team as we have, able to draw on expertise from many relevant areas and having partner companies who understand our processes and values that we can call on to add to our skill set if required.

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Print Management

Graphic Design



Leaflet Design Tips


We can provide a variety of services to keep everything all under one roof and streamlined to your objective.

If you would like to discuss how we can get started on planning and developing your door drop, get in touch today.

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0808 175 6150

Monday - Friday 9.30AM - 5.30PM

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Why Us?
Learn why Door Drop is the only option for your leaflet marketing.

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Hitting The Target
How to make sure you achieve your goal and gain the response you need.

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