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Features & Benefits

Why should we distribute leaflets.

If your perusing our site you're probably already pretty well versed in the features and benefits of a good leaflet distribution campaign. But just in case, here's a rundown of a few of them:


  • Tangible. We humans are relatively simple creatures deep down. And a physical object that we can hold and touch and experience is always going to connect with us in a way an image on a screen just can't quite.


  • Aesthetic. If something looks attractive to us, according to our tastes, we tend to be drawn towards it. And we'll want to hang on to it and give it more of our attention in a way which, for example, we wouldn't to other forms of advertising.


  • Non-confrontational. Any sense of a hard sell is an immediate put-off for many people. A leaflet leaves the decision making in the hands of the reader, with no pressure. Of course, our clever marketing nous comes into play to nudge them in the direction we want them to go, but it's a very hands-off approach.


  • Traditional. Tried and tested. Recognisable. These are all descriptions that many brands aspire to. When trying to appeal to an audience that value stability and tradition, the recognisable etiquette of unassuming contact via the letterbox can be a reassuring presence. And if that's the brand identity you're after, that's ideal.


  • Collectable. Door drops can leave more than an impression or a memory. They can leave something that the reader just can't help hanging onto. A voucher, a loyalty card, something like that can effectively persuade your audience to carry your branding around with them.

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About Us​

There are subtleties and intricacies to the psychology and theory of leaflet marketing that our team will be happy to talk to you about. Get in touch if you have any questions or would like help planning your campaign.

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0808 175 6150

Monday - Friday 9.30AM - 5.30PM

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Why Us?
Learn why Door Drop is the only option for your leaflet marketing.

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Hitting The Target
How to make sure you achieve your goal and gain the response you need.

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