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Hitting The Target

Just because we're called Door Drop Marketing and we specialise in printed media marketing, that doesn't mean we think it's right for everyone all of the time. Promoting a YouTube video to a teenage audience? Leaflets probably aren't for you. Advertising the latest bestselling crime thriller? That's also unlikely to require a leaflet. Spreading the word about the creator of that YouTube video or the author of that thriller making a local personal appearance, though...suddenly printed media comes into its own!


If you know who your audience are, and you can get to their letterboxes, well-constructed printed marketing materials can be powerful tools. Finding people literally where they live and engaging them with a physical object that both offers an appealing product and also fits in with their taste and aesthetic is something online advertising can't do. While online advertising can be accurately demographically targeted, that often doesn't prevent it from feeling impersonal unless it's very artfully constructed.


So, the big question becomes, do you know your audience? Who are they? Whereabouts do they live? What do they do? What do they enjoy? If we can build up a picture of them, we can tailor our copy, our design and our whole approach.


Which leads us on to another major point. If we're tailoring everything so precisely, that means we need to be realistic about the boundaries of the audience we're targeting. Attempting to be all things to all people can be difficult. Trying to sell to a twenty-year old student and a middle-aged professional simultaneously, for example, is a juggling act with which even the most versatile might struggle. If you do want to target two or more disparate groups, it might be better to do that across multiple campaigns rather than putting all your eggs in one basket.


Just a few things to consider when preparing for your campaign and setting your goals. Remember you can always

If you are confused if leaflets are right for your business and wish to discuss the correct marketing strategy, get in touch with us today.

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0808 175 6150

Monday - Friday 9.30AM - 5.30PM

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Learn why Door Drop is the only option for your leaflet marketing.


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