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Leaflet Design Service

When it comes to marketing, sometimes making things look nice isn't enough. We delve into the intricacies.

When it comes to marketing, sometimes making things look nice isn't enough. We delve into the intricacies.


It's very easy to fall into the trap of believing that “good design” is the same thing as “good-looking design”; that as long as a leaflet looks aesthetically pleasing, it's doing its job. The problem with that way of thinking is that, when it comes to marketing leaflets, we're trying to do more than add decoration to someone's doormat. Ultimately, we want to actually sell to them. We expect our advertising copy to be more than pretty words, we expect them to be effective in bringing in customers. And we should expect the same of the design work.


So, what's the difference between good and good-looking? Well, there are whole fields of study related to semiotics, aesthetics and even esoteric domains like NLP which can help answer that question. The simplest way to access those thoughts, though, is the word “intention”. Have the colour palette, fonts, image sizing, text placement, etc. been chosen with the conscious intention to engage an audience and lead them towards your call to action? To put it bluntly, if those things haven't been considered your leaflet is not going to work as effectively as it could. However attractive it looks.


Of course, there's no substitute for experience, but even just taking that extra minute to ask yourself one key question can help immeasurably. And that question is: Would this choice help to persuade me?


You might think that it looks good, but that's not quite enough. It's got to be functional too. After all, we don't employ salespeople for their good looks, we want them to actually sell, so why should it be different when you're paying for design? So, you might like a particular typeface, but what will your audience make of it? You might be a fan of quirky or unusual designs, but will that divide opinion and thus your potential return?


There's a lot to think about, which is why we've put together a few of our top tips if you want to improve your in-house design work for marketing.

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If you'd like to know more about how we can help get your design right for a door drop get in touch and let's discuss how we can best get your message out.

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0808 175 6150

Monday - Friday 9.30AM - 5.30PM

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Learn why Door Drop is the only option for your leaflet marketing.

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